What Is Design Ethics?

Design Ethics is where moral dilemmas are taken into action and decided upon. They are based on personal beliefs and values within society. External aspects need to be taken into consideration when designing for a client, and that the design should be suitable specifically for them. Designers need to keep various areas in mind, from environmental, multiculturalism to anti-consumerism etc.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Green Washing

GREENWASHING - One of the biggest challenges that graphic designers face is educating their clients about sustainable practices. When companies claim to be ecofriendly based on a myopic view of sustainability and without looking at all the implications of their actions, they may end up being guilty of greenwashing—the practice of “spinning” their products and policies as environmentally friendly, such as by presenting cost cuts as reductions in use of resources. Sustainable practices need to be authentic. If they are not, they lose all credibility. Green washing happens more than a lot of the large companies would like to admit, although some may be true there are different areas of which they are not so 'ecofriendly'. By spinning the companies final image the are seriously at risk to false advertisement claims and losing a customer base.

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