What Is Design Ethics?

Design Ethics is where moral dilemmas are taken into action and decided upon. They are based on personal beliefs and values within society. External aspects need to be taken into consideration when designing for a client, and that the design should be suitable specifically for them. Designers need to keep various areas in mind, from environmental, multiculturalism to anti-consumerism etc.

Monday 5 May 2014

Green Beauty Products

Dr Bronner's beauty products uses 100% recycled plastic bottles for it's packaging.

Facial Highlighter by Juice Beauty
Juice Beauty, packaging made from recycled paper and dyed with soy ink.

John Masters Organics, outer packaging made with 100% recycled paper, printed with 100% soy ink and is biodegradable. 

Pangea oraganics packaging is 100% biodegradable, their brown plastic bottles are screen printed rather than using labels and their boxes are packaged with seeds inside the box so you can plant and grow them

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