What Is Design Ethics?

Design Ethics is where moral dilemmas are taken into action and decided upon. They are based on personal beliefs and values within society. External aspects need to be taken into consideration when designing for a client, and that the design should be suitable specifically for them. Designers need to keep various areas in mind, from environmental, multiculturalism to anti-consumerism etc.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Bring 5 back and get one free.

Printed on the back of every Lush tub is a quick note telling the buyer what type if plastic it is. Also if you take your black pots back into Lush they will recycle them for you with the added bonus of a free face mask.

This is a great way to get customers recycling (without having to think about it) with a little prize at the end. 
Gives some excitement into recycling.

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